Results for 'I︠U︡rĭ Ivanovich Averʹi︠a︡nov'

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  1.  26
    Dialectical Contradiction in the Evolution of Knowledge.A. N. Aver'ianov & Z. M. Orudzhaev - 1979 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 18 (3):63-82.
    The problem considered in the article that follows has a long and complicated history. The many different solutions proposed reflect the process of development, deepening, and broadening of knowledge as a whole. They correspond to particular levels of knowledge, determining the character of thought both of the times and of particular individuals. Specifically, it is the understanding of the essence of contradiction that governs the entire theoretical exposition that follows, its substance and approximation to truth. Here we shall consider for (...)
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  2. Sot︠s︡ialisticheskai︠a︡ revoli︠u︡t︠s︡ii︠a︡ i moralʹ.I︠U︡rĭ Ivanovich Averʹi︠a︡nov - 1977
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    The Scientists' Struggle for Peace.V. S. Emel'ianov - 1975 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 14 (2):53-68.
    The present period has faced mankind with the need to solve problems of exceptional importance and complexity, affecting the destiny of the overwhelming majority of the people of our planet and the achievements of civilization as a whole.
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    The Slavophiles and Konstantln Leont'ev.A. L. Ianov - 1970 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 9 (2):152-176.
    There is a very sharp upsurge of interest in the West in the history of Russian conservative thought, particularly in its most outstanding figure, K. Leont'ev. Judge for yourself. In 1948 a monograph on him appeared in West Germany ; one appeared in the USA in 1952 ; and in Italy in 1957 . In 1966 he was inscribed in the "family of the very greatest Russian intellects," to which his large book, Scrittori Russi is devoted. Added to this is (...)
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    New Interrelations of Society and Nature in the Space Age.V. I. Sevast'ianov & A. D. Ursul - 1971 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 10 (2):158-175.
    The decade that has elapsed since the flight of the world's first cosmonaut, Iu. A. Gagarin, has been marked by considerable successes in mastering the cosmos. Lengthy orbital flights and lunar expeditions are already being conducted. Automatic stations are studying the moon, Mars, Venus, and cosmic space. And although we understand that the major trumphs in space are still ahead of us and that today we are merely at the start of the cosmic era, it is nonetheless already possible, in (...)
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    The "Work-Situation Play" and the Literary Hero of the Seventies.A. Ianov - 1973 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 11 (4):318-331.
    The plot of I. Dvoretskii's The Man from Outside is simple. A young engineer, Cheshkov, is recruited from a new and exemplary enterprise to go to an old one with long-established traditions to bail out its most troublesome department. His former place of employment doesn't want to let him go, and at the new one he is given a hostile reception. The most acute kind of conflict arises. Things reach a point at which the executives over whom he has been (...)
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    Перспектива существования метафизики и философии в XXI веке.Alexandrov Vladimir Ivanovich - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 4:109-116.
    The keynote idea of the theses is contained in the author’s assumption that modern philosophy doesn’t meet its claiming pretensions: to be universal form of knowledge. First of all philosophy is connected not with knowledge but with ideas and secondly being authentic it “exists only in everyday life”.1 In orderthat philosophy could realize its innate essence corresponding conditions of social being should exist but they are still absent and therefore philosophy is absent as well. Its place is occupied by metaphysics (...)
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    Female sterilization in latin America: Cross-national perspectives.Iúri da Costa Leite, Neeru Gupta & Roberto Do Nascimento Rodrigues - 2004 - Journal of Biosocial Science 36 (6):683-698.
    Fertility levels have dropped substantially in Latin America in recent decades, fuelled by increased contraceptive use and notably a method mix skewed towards female sterilization. This study examined choice of female sterilization in four Latin American countries: Brazil, Colombia, the Dominican Republic and Peru. Data were drawn from national Demographic and Health Surveys conducted in 1995s reproductive histories to consider the effects of a number of sociodemographic and contextual determinants as they pertained to status at the moment of the event. (...)
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    O Círculo de M. M. Bakhtin: sobre a fundamentação de um fenômeno.Iúri Pávlovitch Medviédev & Dária Aleksándrovna Medviédev - 2014 - Bakhtiniana 9 (spe):26-46.
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    Filosofii͡a Neĭtralʹnosti.A. N. Averʹi͡anov - 2004 - Logos.
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  11. Pochemu li︠u︡di zadai︠u︡t voprosy?L. I︠A︡ Averʹi︠a︡nov - 1993 - Moskva: "Sot︠s︡iolog".
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  12. Sistemnoe poznanie mira: metodologicheskie problemy.A. N. Averʹi︠a︡nov - 1985 - Moskva: Izd-vo polit. lit-ry.
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  13. Metodicheskoe posobie k izuchenii︠u︡ kursa "Markstistsko-leninskai︠a︡ filosofii︠a︡". Danilenko, Dmitriĭ Ivanovich & [From Old Catalog] (eds.) - 1974
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    A polifonia do Círculo.Iuri Pavlovich Medvedev, Daria Aleksandrovna Medvedeva & David Shepherd - 2016 - Bakhtiniana 11 (1):99-144.
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    Krytyĭ krest: tradit︠s︡ionalizm v avangarde.Vitaliĭ Averʹi︠a︡nov - 2015 - Moskva: Knizhnyĭ mir.
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    Vsplyvai︠u︡shchai︠a︡ imperii︠a︡.Vitaliĭ Averʹi︠a︡nov (ed.) - 2022 - Moskva: Nashe Zavtra.
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  17.  21
    As Relações Diplomáticas da Guiana e o Brasil: Do Surgimento à Consolidação.Iuri Cavlak - 2020 - Dialogos 24 (3):331-350.
    Na primeira década de existência independente, a Guiana passou por uma fase de alinhamento aos EUA e outra de apego ao socialismo. Neste artigo, analiso a documentação diplomática brasileira produzida no Itamaraty, assinada pelos chanceleres e despachadas com os respectivos generais presidentes, de modo a problematizar a política externa da Guiana e sua busca por melhores caminhos de inserção internacional. Trata-se de uma documentação inédita, via preciosa para entendermos a história desse país. Concluo que, com a autonomia no alinhamento em (...)
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  18. Muzykalʹnai︠a︡ ėstetika Rossii odinadt︠s︡atogo-vosemnadt︠s︡atogo vekov. Rogov, Aleksandr Ivanovich & [From Old Catalog] - 1973 - Moskva: Izd-vo, "Muzyka".
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  19. Disharmony in Matthew Arnold's "In Harmony with Nature".Albert Van Aver - 1967 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 48 (4):573.
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    Dialektika i nauchnoe myshlenie: (materialisticheskai︠a︡ dialektika-metodologii︠a︡ nauk).A. N. Averʹi︠a︡nov (ed.) - 1988 - Moskva: Nauka.
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  21.  15
    Fungus Development and Reactive Oxygen: Phytopathological Aspects.Andrey A. Aver’Yanov, Tatiana A. Belozerskaya & Natalia N. Gessler - 2012 - In Guenther Witzany, Biocommunication of Fungi. Dordrecht: Springer. pp. 261--271.
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    Funkt︠s︡ionalʹnai︠a︡ semantika: sbornik nauchnykh trudov.I. E. Averʹi︠a︡nova (ed.) - 1991 - Dnepropetrovsk: Izd-vo DGU.
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    Relationship Between Illness Representations, Psychosocial Adjustment, and Treatment Outcomes in Mental Disorders: A Mini Review.Priscillia Averous, Elodie Charbonnier & Lionel Dany - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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  24. Sistema--filosofskai︠a︡ kategorii︠a︡ i realʹnostʹ.A. N. Averʹi︠a︡nov - 1976 - Moskva: Myslʹ.
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  25. Transgumanizm: t︠s︡ifrovoĭ leviafan i golem-t︠s︡ivilizat︠s︡ii︠a︡.Vitaliĭ Averʹi︠a︡nov - 2021 - Moskva: Knizhnyĭ mir.
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  26. Borʹba V. I. Lenina za voinstvui︠u︡shchiĭ materializm. Sidorov, Mikhail Ivanovich & [From Old Catalog] (eds.) - 1960
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  27. Sravnenie kak sredstvo poznanii︠a︡.Vitaliĭ Ivanovich Barton - 1978 - Minsk: Izd-vo BGU.
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    Determinizm i nravstvennoe povedenie lichnosti.Mikhail Ivanovich Borovskiĭ - 1974 - Springer.
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  29. O kriterii nravstvennosti.Mikhail Ivanovich Borovskiĭ - 1970
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  30. Ėstetika--problemy i spory.Aleksandr Ivanovich Burov - 1975
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  31. Materii︠a︡ i formy ee sushchestvovanii︠a︡.Sergeĭ Ivanovich Goncharuk - 1962
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  32. Programma kursa Osnovy marksistsko-leninskoĭ ėstetiki: dli︠a︡ vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniĭ: 72 chasa.Andreĭ Ivanovich Gusev & Lidii︠a︡ Georgievna Barulina (eds.) - 1977 - Moskva: Vysshai︠a︡ shkola.
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  33. Programma kursa "Osnovy marksistsko-leninskoĭ ėstetiki". Gusev, Andreĭ Ivanovich, [From Old Catalog], Novikova, Li︠u︡dmila Ivanovna & Barulina Lidii︠a︡ Georgievna (eds.) - 1970
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  34. Trudnyĭ razgovor.Vladimir Ivanovich Nemt︠s︡ov - 1962
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    America and Switzerland on F.M. Dostoevsky's Metaphysical Map.Menglian Ou & Igor' Ivanovich Evlampiev - forthcoming - Philosophy and Culture (Russian Journal).
    The article deals with the symbolic meanings that the images of America and Switzerland have in the works of F.M. Dostoevsky. It is shown that the meanings of these two images are interconnected and constitute a dialectical contradiction, and each image, in turn, has two contradictory meanings - positive and negative. America acts, on the one hand, as a symbol of the openness and freedom of man, his desire to build the future on his own, but, on the other hand, (...)
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  36. Moralʹ i religii︠a︡.Vasiliĭ Ivanovich Prokofʹev - 1952
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  37. Chutʹ-chutʹ.Mikhail Ivanovich Rodionov - 1965
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  38. Obshchiĭ smysl filosofii N. N. Strakhova.Alekseĭ Ivanovich Vvedenskiĭ - 1897
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  39. Kategorii︠a︡ "sistema" v dialekticheskom materializme.A. N. Averʹi︠a︡nov - 1974 - Moskva: Mysl.
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  40. Ukraïnsʹkyĭ mandrovanyĭ filosof Hryhoriĭ Skovoroda.Dmitriĭ Ivanovich Bagaleĭ - 1926 - Kyïv: Vyd-vo "Oriĭ".
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  41. Kak chelovek poznaet i preobrazuet mir.Konstantin Ivanovich Beli︠e︡v - 1959
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  42. O moralʹnom oblike sovetskogo cheloveka.Nikolaĭ Ivanovich Boldyrev - 1952
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    Marxism and Modern Thought.Nikolai Ivanovich Bukharin, A. M. Deborin, S. I. Vavilov, IAkov Markovich Uranovskii & V. L. Komarov - 2011 - Routledge.
    First published in English in 1935, this is a vital and stimulating critical appraisal of contemporary thought in the post-World War One era. Written by a selection of leading Marxist thinkers including Nikolai Bukharin, who would later become one of the most famous victims of Stalin's show trials, this work offers a Marxist critique of contemporary thought relating to philosophy, science and history. The authors all lean towards the view that the general tendency of modern thought is to abandon the (...)
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  44. Das Ästhetische Wesen Kunst.Aleksandr Ivanovich Burov - 1958 - Berlin,: Dietz Verlag.
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  45. (1 other version)Vvedenīe v filosofīi︠u︡.Georgīĭ Ivanovich Chelpanov - 1905 - Kiev,: Tipografii︠a︡ Imperatorskago universiteta sv Vladimira.
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  46. V. I. Lenin i nekotorye voprosy matematiki.Petr Ivanovich Denisov - 1962
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  47. Priroda istoricheskoĭ neobkhodimosti.Otar Ivanovich Dzhioev - 1967 - Metsinereba.
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  48. Artur.Zakhar Ivanovich Ezerskiĭ - 1895
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  49. Filosofskai︠a︡ antropologii︠a︡ Zhan-Poli︠a︡ Sartra: [kritich. ocherk.Lev Ivanovich Filippov - 1977 - Moskva: Nauka.
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    Museology as a humanitarian science.Grigory Ivanovich Gerasimov - 2022 - Философия И Культура 4:113-125.
    The purpose of the article is to substantiate the main theoretical and methodological provisions of museology as a humanitarian science. Its basic concepts are formulated from idealistic positions, its methodology is defined. As an object, the ideas of a person who creates a museum reality to achieve influence on the consciousness of other people are considered. The idea of a particular museum, realized in objective reality, is defined as the subject. The subject of museology is also the process of realization (...)
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